Residency permit in Turkey
As Maximos Real Estate, we would like to provide you with information on obtaining a residency permit in Turkey and permanent residency for property owners in Turkey. It's helpful for individuals interested in owning property in Turkey and staying in Turkey for extended periods. Here's a summary of the key points:
1. Residence Permit in Turkey for Property Owners:
- Turkish law allows property owners in Turkey to obtain a residence permit.
- The residence permit is typically granted for two years and can be renewed annually.
- There is a restriction on the property's price for obtaining a residence permit. The property minimum value must be at least 200.000$ US American Dollars. (Stand LAW 16thOCT2023)
- The primary document required for the residence permit is the Tapu (Title Deed).
2 Permission to stay and reside in Turkey the Residence Permit process:
- While obtaining permanent residency, property buyers can stay and live in Turkey legally. Even their temporary tourist visa would be expired while waiting for the permanent residency process to be completed.
3. Necessary Documents for Property Owners:
- A Passport and a copy of the passport.
- Recent color photographs (usually 4 passport-sized photos).
- Completed application form provided by the Foreign Police Office.
- Certificate of property ownership in Turkey (Tapu), both the original and a copy.
- Health insurance for residency permıt
4. Permanent Residency Renewal:
- Property owners can renew their residence permits every two years without any specific limit if they continue to own the property.
- The renewal of a Residency permit in Turkey can be done within Turkey.
5. Family Members Eligibility:
- Permanent residency can also be issued to the immediate family members of the property owner, including the spouse and children.
6. Limitations on Working:
- It's important to note that a residency permit in Turkey does not permit foreigners to work there.
7. Path to Turkish Citizenship:
- While not mentioned in your provided information, it's worth noting that property ownership and residency in Turkey can also be a pathway to Turkish citizenship. According to Turkish law, you may be eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship if you stay and work and pay into the social welfare system in Turkey for a total of 5 years without interruption.
Residency permit in Turkey
Please keep in mind that immigration and residency laws can change over time, and it's crucial to consult with the relevant Turkish authorities or legal experts to get the most up-to-date and accurate information if you are considering property ownership and residency in Turkey. Please get in touch to ask us for more information anytime you have a specific question.